Review Details

Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No.2 SLB - 25 cigars

Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No.2 SLB - 25 cigars

Product Review (submitted on November 23, 2017):
What can I say? This is one of the most consistent, sweet, and enjoyable cigars to smoke. Construction, burn, draw and flavor are almost always spot on. I always smoke one right out of the box to get an indication of what's in store for the box date in hand and have never been disappointed. The only difference being the depth of flavor they develop as they sit aging in my humidor. I try to always have one to smoke and drool in anticipation of lighting up. A nice medium bodied smoke to enjoy anytime, but I prefer not to be distracted so I can savor the creamy deliciousness it offers time, and time again!
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