Rafael Gonzalez Coronas de Lonsdales - 10 cigars

Rafael Gonzalez 200006
4 Review(s)

Availability: Out of stock


Customer Reviews

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Love the RG CDL , 4/25/2024 By Sunshine state

I’ve been smoking anything RG for as long as I can remember. I love this obscure brand that you don’t hear about too often. They smoke way above their price point and when I find them, I buy them. Which brings me to my dilemma. Love the cigar, product and service from Cigarterminal. I don’t like being limited to one box at a time of RG CDL and having to pay the $25 to ship each order when I’m being limited to onl y one box a week. I would buy 3-4 boxes at a time and only pay the $25 once. I’m asking for a policy change that addresses this issue. If you’re going to limit me to one box of these gorgeous cigars a week then don’t charge me $25 to ship each box when I am willing to buy 3-4 boxes at a time. Can you please discuss this amongst yourselves and come up with a solution that addresses this problem? These cigars are fantastic and I want to buy multiple boxes in one transaction so I’m not getting crushed with the shipping charge for each box.
Love the RG CDL , 4/25/2024 By Sunshine state

I’ve been smoking anything RG for as long as I can remember. I love this obscure brand that you don’t hear about too often. They smoke way above their price point and when I find them, I buy them. Which brings me to my dilemma. Love the cigar, product and service from Cigarterminal. I don’t like being limited to one box at a time of RG CDL and having to pay the $25 to ship each order when I’m being limited to onl y one box a week. I would buy 3-4 boxes at a time and only pay the $25 once. I’m asking for a policy change that addresses this issue. If you’re going to limit me to one box of these gorgeous cigars a week then don’t charge me $25 to ship each box when I am willing to buy 3-4 boxes at a time. Can you please discuss this amongst yourselves and come up with a solution that addresses this problem? These cigars are fantastic and I want to buy multiple boxes in one transaction so I’m not getting crushed with the shipping charge for each box.
Solid smoke 4 stars , 3/26/2024 By Caballero

Picked up two boxes of these cigars recently. Shipping was quick, communication great. I am a fan of the RG line. Always have been. And I was glad to be able to secure a couple of these. Beautiful wrapper on this cigar. Overall, solid smoke. 4 stars because the draw was a little on the one cigar I smoked. The rest have been laid down in my humidor to rest and mature. Would not hesitate to order more.
Solid smoke 4 stars , 3/26/2024 By Caballero

Picked up two boxes of these cigars recently. Shipping was quick, communication great. I am a fan of the RG line. Always have been. And I was glad to be able to secure a couple of these. Beautiful wrapper on this cigar. Overall, solid smoke. 4 stars because the draw was a little on the one cigar I smoked. The rest have been laid down in my humidor to rest and mature. Would not hesitate to order more.
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