Review Details

Montecristo No.2 - 25 cigars

Montecristo No.2 - 25 cigars

Product Review (submitted on November 4, 2012):
The Montecristo No. 2 is really a cigar to which others can be benchmarked against. A wonderful experience either aged or fairly young. I find they don't seem to have the same drawbacks of younger smokes.

A lovely aroma at cold, I'm happy to sit in front of the humidor and just soak up the bouquet with one in the hand (odd looks from the wife while doing so it must be said). Nice thick plumes of smoke are produced with flavours of coffee and cocoa among others. A bit spicey through the nose with a nice amount of resistance on the draw. Flavours did evolve nicely as I progressed. There have been some very minor burn issues but they have generally self-corrected.

The Montecristo No. 2 is an all round great smoke which is definitely worthy of a space in your humidor.
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