Review Details

Bolivar Gold Medal - 10 cigars

Bolivar Gold Medal - 10 cigars

Product Review (submitted on August 16, 2011):
OK... so I only have smoked this cigar one time ever, but it was recently. Did I enjoy it? Yes, very much. But here's the kicker: two of my smoking club guys who have been smoking Cubans for about five years or longer, swear allegiance to this cigar every time they see one.


And one of the guys is a very close and good friend of Pete Johnson (yeah, that Pete Johnson from Tatuaje) and says he tells Pete this is his favorite cigar. Obviously, this guy does not know the word RESPECT.

Well, since they went on sale at CT, I have ordered nine boxes in just three weeks (along with a hell of a lot of other stuff) and I now have only one box with my name on it. The other eight boxes have gone to these two guys! And they are going to order more soon!

So let me tell you my impression of the cigar: a dark, slinky thing that is actually nice to hold and look at while unlit. The gold wrapper gives it a more "valuable" appearance, but once lit, lots and lots of smoke comes out of this petite and lanky work of art. And then it suddenly transforms into a real brute, with some of the most scrumptious scents of dark toffee and ballpark roasted peanuts, mixed in is the common, but wonderful, deep damp earthiness that Cuban Habanos are famous for exhibiting, Burns well, draws unusually good, and lasts about an hour. Well worth the money, especially at the price that CT has them at right now.
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