Cuban Cigars

We offer a wide selection of Cuban cigars from Habanos including Cohiba, Montecristo, Partagas, Romeo y Julieta, Bolivar, H.Upmann, Hoyo De Monterrey, El Rey del Mundo and many more global, niche and regional Habanos brands. Cigar Terminal offers guaranteed worldwide shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
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  1. Cohiba Esplendidos cigar

    Cohiba Esplendidos - 25 cigars

    2.699,00 $
    The Cohiba Esplendido is one of Cohiba’s flagships, a rich and creamy Churchill, of 47 ring gauge, 7" (178mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. Originally launched in 1989, it became so popular in the beginning of the 2000’s to the point that it was over produced which caused a decline of quality. This issue has been resolved since, and the Esplendido has recovered its position at the top of Cuban cigars and even in the world, as it was voted among the Top 25 Cigars of 2014 by Cigar Aficionado. In short, the Esplendido is one of the most delightful cigars, which doesn't have any flaws. It is a bold smoke, yet with lots of creamy flavors. A top notch cigar. Más información
  2. Cohiba Siglo de Oro Year of the Rabbit 2023 - cigar

    Cohiba Siglo de Oro Year of the Rabbit 2023 - 18 cigars

    5.999,00 $

    Presented in 18-count boxes, the Cohiba Siglo de Oro boasts dimensions of 4.5 inches by 54 ring gauge, introducing a novel vitola within both the Cohiba and Habanos portfolios, named Éxitosos.

    In a dual celebration, Habanos S.A., the Cuban cigar distributor, introduces the Cohiba Siglo de Oro, a fresh offering that pays homage to the Lunar New Year while commemorating the 30th anniversary of the iconic Línea 1492, also recognized as the “Siglo Series.” This special release not only marks the advent of the new year but also honors the three-decade legacy of the Linea 1492, a cornerstone of Cohiba’s success.

    Following the tradition initiated in 2019 with the Romeo y Julieta Maravillas No.8 (Year of the Rat), the Cohiba Siglo de Oro stands as the fourth release by Habanos S.A. crafted in celebration of the Chinese Lunar New Year, which is the year of the Rabbit.

    Only 18,888 boxes have been crafted, a number symbolizing luck in Chinese culture due to the significance of the number 8. Each box bears a unique serial number displayed on a golden badge inside the lid, alongside an NFC chip. This cutting-edge technology allows users to scan the box with their smartphones for instant authentication and access to additional information about the cigars. Remarkably, this marks the first instance of NFC technology being integrated into a Cuban cigar box, functioning seamlessly even through the closed wooden box and outer packaging.

    Additionally, a secondary band adorns each of these new Cohibas, representing the Year of the Rabbit, the current animal in the Chinese zodiac. The phrase "Year of the Rabbit" is also imprinted on the intricately designed, beveled box, along with a stylized logo commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Línea 1492 brand. While 2023 officially marked the Year of the Rabbit, it's worth noting that the Línea 1492 brand was introduced in 1992, making this anniversary celebration slightly delayed.


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  3. Cohiba Behike BHK 52 - 10 cigars

    Cohiba Behike BHK 52 - 10 cigars

    2.999,00 $

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    The Cohiba Behike 52 is an exceptional, flavorful and already aged Cuban cigar, of 52 ring gauge, 4.7” (119mm) long and comes in a box of 10 cigars. Released in 2010, this cigar is Cohiba’s most exclusive brand. Coming in a brand new format, with a heavy ring gauge, the Behike 52 (named after its ring gauge) is 119 mm long. It is rolled with the finest tobacco in Cuba, Volado, Seco and Ligero and also Medio Tiempo (which are the top leaves of only certain sun grown tobacco plants). What differentiates the BHK 52 from the other cigars from Cohiba is that the leaves used for the filler are already aged, and as a result this cigar doesn’t require aging to reveal such an exceptional taste and character. The main aromas developed by this cigar are of creamy coffee and of rich earthy flavors, which are reminiscent of well-aged cigars. Unsurprisingly, the price of this jewel is high; however, the BHK 52 lives up to its reputation and is worth every penny. This is indeed a unique cigar, and a very rewarding experience that will delight the true Cuban aficionado. Más información
  4. Cohiba Behike BHK 54 - 10 cigars

    Cohiba Behike BHK 54 - 10 cigars

    3.499,00 $

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    The Cohiba Behike BHK 54 is the ultimate Laguito No.1, a rich and beautiful Habano, of 54 ring gauge, 5.7” (144mm) long and comes in a box of 10 cigars. It has been released in 2010 and is part of the Behike series, which is Cohiba most exclusive brand. Habanos SA even coined it “the new standard among smokers worldwide.” It is a medium to full-bodied cigar, with a perfect construction, that has is very smooth and creamy, with great aromas of leather, cedar, floral and grassy notes. The price should not be a deterrent at this point as this is a very unique cigar that will go along any special occasion. It is an amazing enjoyment to smoke this terrific cigar to the nub. For the first time in Cohiba history, the very rare Medio Tiempo leaf is rolled, among others, in the filler. The Medio Tiempo consists of the top two leaves that grow on some sun-grown tobacco plants. This gives a very unique taste and strength to the cigar. There are also some of the finest, already aged, tobacco leaves coming from the Vuelta Abajo region. The Behike line consists of three cigars named after their ring gauges, BHK 52, BHK 54 and BHK 56, which are also getting different in size (119mm for the BHK 52, 144mm for the BHK 54 and 166mm for the BHK 56). One can see the exclusivity and luxury just by the look and feel of the sleek black box coming with the cigars, which has a nice fabric underside and a magnet latch. This cigar is also unique among the Cohibas by the type of tobacco leaves used for this vitola. Más información
  5. Cohiba Behike BHK 56 - 10 cigars

    Cohiba Behike BHK 56 - 10 cigars

    3.999,00 $

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    The Cohiba Behike 56 is a very rich and complex medium bodied Laguito No.6, 6.5” (166mm) long, of 56 ring gauge, and comes in a 10 cigars box. It comes in a gorgeous sleek black box that has a fabric underside and a magnet latch. Released in 2010, the Behike 56 is part of the Behike series, the most exclusive series from the Cohiba brand. The BHK 56 is longer and of larger ring gauge than the BHK 52 and BHK 54. Habanos SA wanted to redefine the standard of Cuban cigars and thus released these amazing cigars. It comes in a gorgeous sleek black box of 10 that has a fabric underside and a magnet latch. Like the BHK 52 and BHK 54, the tobacco leaves used in the filler of the BHK 56 are, among others, of medio tiempo, which are the top two leaves that grow at the very top of some tobacco plants. Más información
  6. Cohiba Maduro 5 Genios - cigar

    Cohiba Maduro 5 Genios - 25 cigars

    2.499,00 $

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    The Cohiba Maduro 5 Genios is a true Cuban legend, a powerful smoke, with 52 ring gauge, 5.5” (140mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. Its aged dark brown wrapper is very elegant, the black lacquered wooden box is the best you can get from Cuba in terms of packaging. And the flavors packed in this Robusto Extra are exquisite. Lots of cream, woodsy flavors, nuttiness and spices, among others. A must-try for all cigar aficionados. Más información
  7. Cohiba Maduro 5 Magicos - cigar

    Cohiba Maduro 5 Magicos - 25 cigars

    2.039,00 $

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    The Cohiba Maduro 5 Magicos is a strong yet creamy Petit Robusto, of 52 ring gauge, 4.2” (115mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. Another beauty from Cohiba, providing rich woody, leathery and coffee flavors. Its wrapper is beautiful, dark brown, because it was aged for 5 years and its construction is impeccable. Más información
  8. Cohiba Majestuosos 1966 - Closed Humidor

    Cohiba Majestuosos 1966 Humidor - 20 cigars

    29.999,00 $

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    The Cohiba Majestuosos 1966 is a massive Habanos, a 5.9” (150mm) by 58, released for Cohiba’s 50th anniversary and comes in a humidor of 20 cigars. Presented in 2016 to commemorate the legendary brand’s 50th year since its creation, the humidor is a work of art, only 1966 pieces have been made by Habanos. It is a sleek black humidor very elegant and reminiscent of the vintage simple humidors used at the time the brand was launched. It has a macassar ebony dark wood finish on the front and it is black lacquered on the top and bottom sides. The cigar itself is a totally new vitola, never used before by Habanos, which is called the Majestuoso and will surely appeal to aficionados of modern cigars, which tend to prefer medium-full cigars, with larger ring gauge and about 6 inches long. The Majestuoso is a master-piece of a cigar, perfectly hand rolled with an amazing blend of tobacco grown in the Vuelta Abajo region (D.O.P.). The cigar is very rich and complex, powerful but still allowing beautiful flavors to get through: the most noticeable flavors are cedar, cream, leather, coffee, chocolate and a fair amount of spices. It is important to note that it is different from the Cohiba Seleccion 50 Aniversario Travel Humidor, which includes 8 of the most popular Cohiba vitolas of all time: • 2 x Piramides Extra, from the Classic series • 2 x Siglo VI, from the 1492 series • 2 x Genios, from the Maduro 5 series • 2 x Behike 56, from the Behike series Más información
  9. Cohiba Piramides Extra Tubos - 1

    Cohiba Piramides Extra Tubos - 15 cigars (packs of 3)

    2.099,00 $

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    The Cohiba Piramides Extra is a rich and powerful Torpedo, 6.3” (160mm) long, of 54 ring gauge, and comes in aluminum tubes in 5 boxes of 3 cigars. Released in 2012 as a regular production cigar, this cigar is one of the the newest vitolas in the most exclusive line of the most prestigious Habanos brand. Habanos lovingly refers to this new Cohiba Torpedo as the "Grand Lord". As in the Cohiba Behike, the exceptional 'medio tiempo' tobacco leave is used in the blend of the cigar, which makes this Habano so special with a unique flavor and strong character. This cigar is so complex that it keeps on giving, and won’t let you go before you are satiated and slightly dizzy. This feeling goes on well long after you are done smoking. Más información
  10. Cohiba Siglo V - cigar

    Cohiba Siglo V - 25 cigars (packs of 5)

    2.019,00 $

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    The Cohiba Siglo V is an exquisite Cuban cigar, a Lonsdale of medium strength, of 43 ring gauge, 6.7” (170mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. Rated #2 Cigar of the Year 2009 by Cigar Aficionado, it fully deserves this award as it is a perfectly rolled cigar, with a flawless draw and an amazing burn. Powerful flavors are developed by this vitola, which is unique in Cohiba’s lineup, there are lots of cedar, leather, earth, pepper, some sweetness and a constant creaminess. The price is not a deterrent for its many fans, who value this Habano as the best from the Siglo Linea. Más información
  11. Cohiba Siglo V - cigar

    Cohiba Siglo V SLB - 25 cigars

    2.019,00 $

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    The Cohiba Siglo V is an amazing Habanos, a Lonsdale of medium strength, of 43 ring gauge, 6.7” (170mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. Rated #2 Cigar of the Year 2009 by Cigar Aficionado, it fully deserves this award as it is a perfectly rolled cigar, with a flawless draw and an amazing burn. Powerful flavors are developed by this vitola, which is unique in Cohiba’s lineup, there are lots of cedar, leather, earth, pepper, some sweetness and a constant creaminess. The price is not a deterrent for its many fans, who value this Habano as the best from the Siglo Linea. Más información
  12. Cohiba Siglo VI Gran Reserva - cigar

    Cohiba Siglo VI Gran Reserva - 15 cigars

    2.999,00 $

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    The Cohiba Siglo VI Gran Reserva is a refined medium-to-full bodied Canonazo, 5.9” (150mm) long, of 52 ring gauge, and comes in a cabinet of 15 cigars. Más información
  13. Cohiba Siglo VI - cigar

    Cohiba Siglo VI SLB - 25 cigars

    2.499,00 $

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    The Cohiba Siglo VI is perhaps the ultimate Cohiba, a medium to full Canonazo, of 52 ring gauge, 5.9” (155mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. It is a beauty to behold; you would be hard-pressed to find a list of today’s top cigars that didn’t include the Cohiba Siglo VI. With its perfect construction, it is for many the best Cohiba, if not of above all the other Habanos. This thick Cuban toro (also known as a canonazo) was a 2002 release. Más información
  14. Cohiba Talisman Limited Edition single

    Cohiba Talisman Limited Edition 2017 - 10 cigars

    2.999,00 $

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    The Cohiba Talisman LE 2017 is an incredible and rare Habano, Robusto Extra, with 54 ring gauge, 6” (154mm) long and comes in a box of 10 cigars. A great cigar to get at a young age; expect it to become a collector's piece in years to come. Más información
  15. H.Upmann No.2 Reserva Cosecha 2010 - 1

    H.Upmann No.2 Reserva Cosecha 2010 - 20 cigars

    2.299,00 $

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    The H.Upmann No.2 Reserva Cosecha 2010 is a refined aged cigar, of 52 ring gauge, 6.1” (156mm) long and comes in a numbered black lacquered box. Más información
  16. H.Upmann Sir Winston Gran Reserva Cosecha 2011 - cigar

    H.Upmann Sir Winston Gran Reserva Cosecha 2011 - 15 cigars

    2.899,00 $

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    The H.Upmann Sir Winston Gran Reserva Cosecha is a 2017 special released Habano, 7” (178mm) by 47 ring gauge, and comes in a beautiful black lacquered box. Announced in 2017 but released in 2018, it is rolled with aged Cuban tobacco harvested in 2011. It is a unique cigar, only 5000 boxes have been produced in Cuba. This premium cigar is in the mild to medium category, The flavors are typical Cuban, delicate and aromatic, while its perfect construction allows it to be smoked right out the box. You shouldn't miss that cigar which is rare and which is a legend in the making. Más información
  17. Hoyo de Monterrey Maravillas Coleccion Habanos 2015 - cigar

    Hoyo de Monterrey Maravillas Coleccion Habanos 2015 - 20 cigars

    2.499,00 $

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    The Hoyo de Monterrey Maravillas Colección Habanos 2015 is a massive medium strength 9“ long cigar (233mm) by 55 ring gauge and comes in an unique book-shaped box with 20 cigars. Its appropriately named vitola is “Giant Robusto”. Only 2,000 boxes have been made in Cuba, so no wonder this gem is so rare but legendary. Do not miss this rare item that will please any Habanos connoisseur and collectors. Más información
  18. La Gloria Cubana 25th Aniversario Humidor LCDH - stick

    La Gloria Cubana 25th Aniversario Humidor LCDH - 30 cigars

    2.599,00 $

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    The La Gloria Cubana 25th Aniversario Humidor is a intriguing humidor containing 30 cigars, 15 Robusto Extra and 15 Pyramid shaped cigars. Más información
  19. Montecristo Gran Piramides Coleccion Habanos 2017 - cigar

    Montecristo Gran Piramides Coleccion Habanos 2017 - 20 cigars

    7.999,00 $

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    The Montecristo Gran Pirámides Colección Habanos 2017 is a beefier version of the classic Montecristo No.2 at 6.25” (160mm) by 57 ring gauge & comes in a distinctive book-shaped box which contains 20 perfect cigars. Only 2,000 of them have been made by Habanos, and each box is numbered. This elegant item will surely stand out in a true aficionado’s collection. The cigar itself is a perfectly rolled Medium to Full pyramid, using Montecristo’s finest blend of tobacco to create an unforgettable smoking experience. Más información
  20. Romeo y Julieta Wide Churchills Gran Reserva stick

    Romeo y Julieta Wide Churchills Gran Reserva Cosecha 2009 - 15 cigars

    2.999,00 $

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    The Romeo y Julieta Wide Churchills Gran Reserva Cosecha 2009 is an exclusive Habano, with 55 ring gauge, 5.1” (130mm) long, and comes in boxes of 15 cigars. Más información
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