

Padron cigars are premium handmade long filler cigars which are cured, aged and blended with vintage leaves of sun-grown select tobaccos. The Padron mission is to produce exceptional quality cigar products, and is never focussed on quantity produced. Padron cigars are consistently among the highest rated cigars. Their aroma, taste and consistency are guaranteed by the traditional Cuban cigar making process which Padron sets as it's standard.
Par ordre décroissant
  1. Padron 3000, Maduro - 26 cigars

    Padron 3000, Maduro - 26 cigars

    209,00 $US


    The Padron 3000 Maduro cigars are among the finest, handmade, complex cigars with the flavor of Cuban heritage out of which the Padron recipe was born. En savoir plus
  2. Padron 3000, Natural - 26 cigars

    Padron 3000, Natural - 26 cigars

    209,00 $US


    Padron 3000 cigars are among the finest, handmade, complex cigars with the flavor of Cuban heritage out of which the Padron recipe was born. En savoir plus
  3. Padron 4000, Maduro - 26 cigars

    Padron 4000, Maduro - 26 cigars

    229,00 $US


    Handmade Padron 4000 Maduro cigars are comprised totally from sun-grown tobaccos that are aged for a minimum of 2 1/2 years. The are among the finest and most complex cigars with the flavor of Cuban heritage out of which the Padron recipe was born. En savoir plus
  4. Padron 4000, Natural - 26 cigars

    Padron 4000, Natural - 26 cigars

    229,00 $US


    Padron 4000 cigars are among the finest, handmade, complex cigars with the flavor of Cuban heritage out of which the Padron recipe was born. En savoir plus
  5. Padron 5000, EMS - 26 cigars

    Padron 5000, EMS - 26 cigars

    249,00 $US


    Padron 5000 EMS cigars are among the finest, handmade, complex cigars with the flavor of Cuban heritage out of which the Padron recipe was born. En savoir plus
  6. Padron 5000, Maduro - 26 cigars

    Padron 5000, Maduro - 26 cigars

    249,00 $US


    The deep and dark maduro wrappers of the Padron 5000 Maduro cigars are the result of Orlando Padron personally cultivating all the Padron maruro wrappers and hand picking only the very best Cuban-seed leaves in the Padron fields. En savoir plus
  7. Padron 6000 Torpedo Maduro - 26 cigars

    Padron 6000 Torpedo Maduro - 26 cigars

    249,00 $US


    Padron 6000 Maduro cigars are among the finest, handmade, complex cigars with the flavor of Cuban heritage out of which the Padron recipe was born. En savoir plus
  8. Padron 6000 Torpedo Natural - 26 cigars

    Padron 6000 Torpedo Natural - 26 cigars

    249,00 $US


    Padron 6000 cigars are among the finest, handmade, complex cigars with the flavor of Cuban heritage out of which the Padron recipe was born. En savoir plus
  9. Padron Churchill, Maduro - 26 cigars

    Padron Churchill, Maduro - 26 cigars

    279,00 $US


    Padron Churchill Maduro cigars are among the finest dark wrapper churchills we carry. Handmade, complex cigars with the flavor of Cuban heritage out of which the Padron recipe was born. En savoir plus
  10. Padron Churchill, Natural - 26 cigars

    Padron Churchill, Natural - 26 cigars

    229,00 $US


    Padron Churchill, Natural cigars are among the finest churchills we carry. Handmade, complex cigars with the flavor of Cuban heritage out of which the Padron recipe was born. En savoir plus
Par ordre décroissant
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