

Year of foundation: 1927
Tobacco Country: Cuba
Tobacco Procedence: Vuelta Abajo
Factory: Partagas

Named after the famous Simón Bolívar (1783-1830), the Venezuelan General who liberated large parts of South America from the Spanish Empire in the 19th century, the brand itself was established at the beginning of the 20th century in Havana, Cuba by José F. Rocha. Following the founder’s death, the brand was bought by the Cifuentes y Cia and transferred the production to the Partagás factory, where most of Bolivar cigars are still rolled until today. There is also a Dominican Bolivar cigar brand that was started after the Cuban revolution. However, the original brand is Cuban Bolivar that is mentioned here. Bolivar is mostly known for rolling among the strongest Habanos in Cuba, using tobacco from the premium Vuelta Abajo region. Its most famous cigars are the Bolivar Royal Coronas, Bolivar Belicosos Finos, Bolivar Petit Coronas and the Bolivar Libertador.

Par ordre décroissant
  1. Bolivar Coronas Extra CAB - 50 cigars

    Bolivar Coronas Extra CAB - 50 cigars

    349,00 $US


    The Bolivar Coronas Extra, discontinued in 2012, is a bold and rich Francisco, 5.6” (143mm) long, of 44 ring gauge, and comes in a 50 cigars cabinet. En savoir plus
Par ordre décroissant
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